CEHD Alumni Advisory Board
Purpose and Mission
The mission of the CEHD Alumni Advisory Board is to foster meaningful engagement between alumni and the College, enhance alumni experiences, and support the institution's growth. Through collaboration with alumni, current students, and the College, the board aims to strengthen connections, promote lifelong involvement, and contribute to the advancement of CEHD's mission and goals. These guidelines help ensure that the alumni advisory board operates effectively, maintains high standards of participation, and aligns with the institution's overall mission.
Board Structure
Membership Criteria
- Alumni of the college/university
- Demonstrated commitment to the institution through service, leadership, or philanthropy
- Professional experience or specific skills (e.g., fundraising, governance, networking)
Size and Composition
In this first iteration of the CEHD Alumni Advisory Board, CEHD hopes to include representation of many of our existing programs, with individuals from a variety of geographical regions and professional fields. To meet the demands of representation, the board may include up to 20 members.
Term Limits
We will establish rolling term limits of three years, with the opportunity of an additional term (up to six years). Doing so allows CEHD to involve alumni in strategic ways while also recognizing the time commitment of service provided by the board member.
Roles and Responsibilities
Advisory Role
The CEHD Alumni Advisory Board will serve in an advisory capacity, providing recommendations to college leadership on a variety of topics including workforce needs, strategic plan implementation, UND branding expansions within the building, and funding opportunities.
Additionally, the CEHD Alumni Advisory Board will be instrumental in establishing the selection criteria for the Torchbearer Awards, the CEHD Alumni Awards process to launch in 2025.
Responsibilities of Members
- Attend biannual meetings (one fall and one spring)
- Serve on subcommittees if needed.
- Act as ambassadors for the institution, promoting events and initiatives to other alumni.
- Support and participate in fundraising efforts.
- Serve as mentors as needed to current students and recent graduates.
Leadership Roles
Necessary leadership roles will be established as needed. Initially, a chairperson of the board and a recording secretary will be established.
Engagement Expectations
Philanthropic Support
The CEHD Alumni Advisory Board will encourage members to contribute time, talent, and/or treasure at a level that is meaningful for them. This sets an example for the broader alumni community.
Event Participation
Members will be expected to attend board meetings (one fall and one spring) as well as a new event, the Torchbearer Awards, which will honor Alumni, scholarship recipients, and faculty award recipients.
Alumni Advocacy
Promote opportunities for board members to serve as advocates for the college in their professional and personal networks.
Recognition and Benefits
CEHD Alumni Advisory Board will be recognized for their service through recognition and acknowledgment in college publications, building displays, and other visible ways as identified.
Board Nominations
Nominations for the initial CEHD Alumni Advisory Board are due no later than Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024.
To nominate or self nominate, contact the CEHD Dean's Office at shelbie.witte@UND.edu or use the link below.