BiPed Lab
Learn, innovate, and improve teaching through the advanced technology of the BiPed Lab.
Mission Statement

At the University of North Dakota BiPed Laboratory, we train students for their future by utilizing the following techniques:
- learning through practice with state-of-the-art technology and research strategies
- innovation through collaboration by binding distributed disciplines through common links, and
- innovation through experimentation by attempting novel methods, refining attempts, and gaining crucial knowhow from failure.
At UND's BiPed Laboratory, we train students for the future.
Classes Using the Lab this Semester
- Kinesiology 332 Biomechanics
- Kinesiology 530 Sport Biomechanics
- Kinesiology 555 Motion Capture
- Physical Therapy 591 Research in Physical Therapy
Current Projects

Deleon, P., Crisman, K., & Rhoades, J. (2022). A Preliminary Study on the Feasibility of current US Spacecraft Systems to Support Parastronaut Activities. National Aeronautics Space Administration
Thimgan, T., Verble, R., Smaranayake, V., Hercula, S., Rhoades, J. (2020). Anticipating and detecting cognitive decrements during uneven workloads that impair sustained CBRN missions. Department of Defense, FOA, W911NF-17-S-0003
Snaches, L., Ovens, A., Dos Santo, E., Rhoades, J., Gorgina, L., Venacino., L Nascimento, L., Philpot, R., Lazaretti, W., & Moura Barreto, S. (2021). Complexity and social justice in the permanent physical education teacher education: collaborative processes and production of artifacts. Brazil Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation.
Nolby, C., DeLeon, P., Crisman, K., Mayapu, K., & Rhoades, J. (2021). Study of Performance for Commercial Extravehicular Space Suit. National Aeronautics Space Administration.
Parker, M., Bitner, N., Lindquist, C., Crisman, K., Deleon, P., Rhoades, J. (2023). The research and development of an extravehicular activity gait assist device. National Aeronautics Space Administration.
Lab Publications

Orr, S., Casler, J., Rhoades, J., DeLeon, P. (2022). Effects of walking, running, and skipping under simulated reduced gravity using the NASA Active Response Gravity Offload System (ARGOS). Acta Astronautica.
Hopper, T,. & Rhoades, J. (2022). Enactivism and learning to play tennis: Modification-by-adaptation enabling action spaces and nonconscious behavioral mimicry. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Hopper, T,. & Rhoades, J. (2022). USTA and Tennis Canada learning to play tennis initiatives: Applying Ecological dynamics, Enactivism and Participatory sense-making. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Schwenzfeier. A., Rhoades, J. L., Whitehead, J., Short, M. & Fitzgerald, J. (2020). Increased sprint performance with false step in collegiate athletes trained to forward step. Sports Biomechanics, 1-8.
Rhoades, J. L., & Hopper, T. (2020). Reciprocal recursive nonconscious behavior mimicry, PE groupings, and modification-by-adaptation. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 1-18.
Rhoades, J. L., & Hopper, T. F. (2017). Utilizing Student Socio-coordinated Mimicry: Complex Movement Conversations in Physical Education. Quest, 1-17.
Smith, E., Fitzgerald, J., Tomkinson, G., DeLeon, P., Orr, S., Rhoades, J. (2023) Reduced Gravity Effects on Gait Coordinative Structures. Life Sciences in Space Research.
Green, W., Kim, H., Rhoades, J., DeLeon, P., (2023). Design for Custom Shaped Space suit, and Optimizing the Fit of the Spacesuit Hard Upper Torso. 2023 International Conference on Environmental Systems. (Peer Reviewed, Published Conference Manuscript)
Hopper, T., Rhoades, J. (2024). Biomechanical insights on tennis Canada's skill fundamental phases: Ecological dynamics and reading gameplay. International Tennis Federation Coaching & Sport Science Review.
Schindler, G., Fitzgerald, J., Halcrow, S., Romanick, M., & Rhoades, J. (2022). Reliability of Subtalard neutral Placement as Baseline for Dynamic Navicular drop Measurement., Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Physical Therapy Association, Feb 3, 2022, San Antonio, Texas.
Orr, S., Casler, J., deLeon, P., & Rhoades, J. (2019). Effects of Locomotor Gaits Under Simulated Reduced Gravity Conditions on Muscles and Joints of the Leg. Presented at the 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington D.C, October 21-25, 2019.
Brinkman, H., Cygan, A., Fredericks, C., Plemel, R., Thorton, E., Yancheck, A., Rhoades, J., & Schindler, G. (2018). Analysis of pelvic and navicular movement during barefoot and shod running. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. July 22, 2018.
Schindler, G., Fitzgerald, J., & Rhoades, J., (2023) Reliability of Novel Technique for Dynamic Navicular Drop Measurement. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Physical Therapy Association, Feb 24, 2023, San Diego, CA.
Lab Researchers
- jesse.rhoades@UND.edu
Graduate Students
- komal.mangle@UND.edu
- robert.brunnemer@UND.edu
- brandon.fugger@UND.edu
- nevin.smalls@UND.edu
- hajar.abdellaoui@UND.edu