Grant Resources
Research is critical to expanding knowledge, and funding is critical to facilitating research.
Who do I talk to about applying for grants and using funds?
The CEHD Research and Faculty Development team coordinates the college's grant activities, including pre-award proposal development, compliance management, IRB, assistance with large-scale collaborations, and internal funding programs.
CEHD Research and Faculty Development team
What is the process for grant applications and submissions?

The pre-award process at CEHD generally follows the steps below:
- Primary investigator (PI) completes the Proposal Notification Form and sends it to CEHD Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development (ADRFD)
- PI meets with ADRFD
- If the proposed work substantially impacts workload (e.g., course release), PI also meets with their department chair
If available, PI should also consult with funder regarding viability of their proposal
- PI drafts required narrative, budget (see Award Budget Setup form), confirms personnel, letters of support, etc.
- PI meets with CEHD grants team to develop or review budget (ideally +3 weeks before due date; see attached template)
- PI submits proposal in Novelution (ERAC) for UND approvals (minimum 5 days before due date)
- After Novelution approval, proposal submitted by PI or UND Grants & Contracts Office (varies by funder)
Grant funding opportunities are available in a variety of places. Below are suggestions to get started.
UND Resources
- Office of Research & Sponsored Program Development
- Chester Fritz Library Scholarly Communication

Federal Resources
All Federal Grants
Individual Agencies
- U.S. Department of Education
- Institute of Education Sciences
- National Science Foundation
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- National Institute of Health
Foundation, Non-Governmental, & Local Resources
Some examples of private foundations and organizations that fund educational research are below.
- American Association of University Women
- American Educational Research Association
- Association for Institutional Research
- American Political Science Association
- The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- The Carnegie Corporation of New York
- International Education Research Foundation
- Social Science Research Council
- The Spencer Foundation
How can I get help preparing a grant proposal?

The CEHD Research and Faculty Development team will provide assistance with all pre-award grant stages, including:
- Proposal development
- Examples of past CEHD proposals
- Budget consultation with Grants & Contract Manager
- GRA resources from BEARS
Proposal Preparation Resources
Common Information for Proposal Preparation
- UND Indirect Cost Rate (F&A) is 41% for Research (agreement as of 05/12/2021)
- Fringe and GRA salary rates are available from Grants & Contract Manager
- UND Proposal Budget Boilerplates and Identification Numbers
How do I manage my grant once I receive it?

The post-award services we support include:
- New award meetings
- Guidance of federal, state, university, and sponsor regulations and requirements
- Pre-audit and approval of expenditures, release time and summer salary for Principal Investigators
- Project budget development, analysis, and projections
- Budget revisions
- No-cost extension requests
- Subcontract agreement and modification requests
- Cost sharing commitments
- Managing grant close out activities
RFD Team

- General inquiries about grants
- Proposal development
- Resources such as BEARS, seed funding, etc.
- Methodology
- Proposal content and editing
- UND collaborations and external partnership building
- IRB questions
- robert.stupnisky@UND.edu
- 701.777.0744
- Pre-award budget development
- Post-award budget support
- robert.monette@UND.edu
- Pre-award budget development support
- Post-award budget management and administration
- gabriel.salander@UND.edu
- Pre-award budget development
- Post-award support
- Center for Engineering Education Research grant support
- rosemary.schultz@UND.edu
- GRA and staff recruitment
- Hiring
- joni.mcenroe@UND.edu
- heather.lotysz@UND.edu
- F&A fund expenditures
- chelsea.larson@UND.edu