GRO.UND Learning Gardens
GRO.UND strives to connect students to the natural world by engaging in place-based and experiential garden education.
GRO.UND (pronounced "grow UND") plants all year to ensure a continual and holistic experience for students and a sustainable supply of fresh produce.
GRO.UND's mission is to foster environmental and community values of sustainability, engagement and stewardship through regenerative garden education.
Project Goals
- Provide a community space for learning ecological literacy and a sense of place through the values and practices of regenerative permaculture.
- Create a model of education that provokes action, builds direct relationships between learner and nature, and validates personal experience.
- Provide food and well-being through experiential garden education that addresses the ecological, social and economic needs of our local community.
Three Intertwined Pillars of Sustainability Education
Ecological Vitality
- biodiversity
- permaculture
- stewardship of our water, soil and air
- provide space for non-humans
Social Vitality
- sense of place
- intergenerational community well-being
- experiential education
- multiple histories
- human health
- equitable access and resource security
Economic Vitality
- partnerships that demonstrate sustainable and responsible practices
- diverse range of community partners
- local producers and food networks

Head Start preschoolers, or Sprouts, are GRO.UND's youngest learners. They plant sunflowers to learn about germination and seed growth. They also grow radishes in their classrooms to learn about growing food in small spaces.
Storywalk & Learning Gardens

GRO.UND brought the very first StoryWalk to Grand Forks in June 2024. It is 100% free and open to the public. Children can experience reading a book, one page post at a time, while walking through a garden and learning more about nature.
The StoryWalk and Learning Gardens is located on UND's campus at University Ave. and Harvard St., just north of the Chester Fritz Library.
GRO.UND Support
Helping Students
GRO.UND Learning Gardens help UND students. At the end of the summer growing period, produce is harvested and donated to UND Food for Thought.

Become a volunteer and get involved in the success of the GRO.UND Learning Gardens project.
GRO.UND Volunteer Sign-Up Form
Consider helping support the work of the GRO.UND Learning Gardens through a financial donation. The Learning Gardens have helped feed members of the UND student community and have helped educate countless members of the UND and greater Grand Forks communities. Your gift would be processed through the UND Alumni Association & Foundation and applied to areas of need.

- joshua.hunter@UND.edu
- 701.777.3582
Education Building Room 372
Grand Forks ND 58202-7189

- cheryl.hunter@UND.edu
- 701.777.3431
Education Building Room 240
Grand Forks ND 58202-7189