Awards and Funding
There are a number of awards and funding opportunities available to faculty, staff, and graduate students in the College of Education & Human Development.
Faculty Endowments & Supports

The Fischer Professorship supports research and scholarly activity that promotes the college mission and holds promise for external funding support.
This Professorship awards up to $10,000 per year to support an individual faculty member for up to three years.
Eligibility & Application
CEHD tenure-track and tenured faculty holding a continuing, full-time appointment are eligible for funding.
The annual deadline for applications is March 31. Recipients are announced on April 15.
Fischer Professorship Application
About the Donors: Rose (Kelly) & Ernest Fischer
Rose Isabelle Kelly was born March 16, 1877, in River Falls, Wisconsin, and settled in Dakota Territory with her mother and father, Mary Jane Dunn Kelly and Henry Kelly, when she was only two years old. Her parents, Henry and Mary, were farmers in Dakota Territory on land they homesteaded which was granted to them in 1882 by Chester A. Authur, President. The town of Kelly, North Dakota, was named after Henry Kelly. After elementary school, Rose enrolled at St. James Academy in Grand Forks and subsequently taught school for eight years around Kelly, North Dakota.
On April 8, 1903, Rose married Ernest H. A. Fischer in Kelly, North Dakota. Ernest was employed from 1902 to 1910 as a depot agent and telegraph operator by Northern Pacific Railroad in Joliette, North Dakota. In 1910, Rose and Ernest established and operated a general merchandise store and Post Office in Kelly which was the center of activity in this growing rural community. Their store served as the Post Office, depot, grocery store, dry goods, and farm machinery outlet. Neighbors enjoyed visiting around the potbelly stove. Rose and her husband operated their general merchandise store from 1910 until 1929. When Rose’s father died in 1918, she and Ernest began farming the land that her father had homesteaded. Ernest also continued to operate the store. Later, when the store was closed, Ernest continued to farm and became a very successful beekeeper.
Rose and Ernest were also busy raising a family. Three children, Laura, Henrietta and Carl, were born in Joliette, North Dakota, between 1904 and 1908; and Bernadine and Victor were born in Kelly, North Dakota, in 1911 and 1916, respectively. Rose died on August 22, 1949, while still residing in Kelly, North Dakota. Ernest died on May 17, 1974, in Mercer Island, Washington, where he resided with his children, Victor and Bernadine.
Bernadine F. Greenwood of Mercer Island, Washington, a dedicated and loyal member of the University of North Dakota alumni family, provided a living memorial to her pioneer mother, who was so often characterized by her love and endless energy, by establishing the Rose Isabelle Kelly Fischer Memorial Endowment in the College of Education and Human Development within the University of North Dakota Foundation in 1990.
Past Recipients
Year | Name / Area | Topic |
2024 | Ryan Flinn | "Enhancing Peer Recovery Support Services for Emerging Adults" |
2021 | Ryan Summers (TLPP) | “Developing and Piloting Instructional Materials to Teach about Experimental Design using Biomedical Examples with NOS Connections” |
2021 | Virginia Clinton-Lisell (EFR) | “Examining and Improving Digital Reading” |
2018 | Robert Stupnisky (EFR) | “Faculty Motivation for Teaching and Research: Predicting Productivity, Effectiveness, and Well-being” |
2012 | Anne Walker (T&L) | “English Language Learners in Rural Schools” |
2007 | Margi Healy (Higher Ed) | |
2004 |
Marjorie Bock (T&L, SPED) | |
2000 | Richard Landry (EFR) | |
1999 | Mary Lou Fuller (T&L) |

The Hopper Danley Faculty Fellowship supports innovative research activities and pursuit of extramural funding for research that:
- Addresses important problems and barriers within education and human development;
- Will advance knowledge, theory, methodology, and practice within the area of discovery; and
- Will contribute to improving society.
The fellowship awards recipient faculty a base salary (X) supplement of 10% (Y) per year for three years, recognizing that the Y component will be continued only if replaced with Required Extramural Funds within a period of 3 years.
Eligibility & Application
CEHD tenure-track and tenured faculty holding a continuing, full-time appointment are eligible for funding.
The annual deadline for applications is March 31. Recipients are announced on April 15.
About the Donors: Elnora (Hopper) & Roy Danley
Elnora Hopper, a Brinsmade, N.D., native, graduated from UND in 1937 with a degree in education. She taught English in Milton and Stanley in North Dakota, before moving to California where she worked for the state employment department. Roy graduated from high school in Cando, N.D., and studied mechanical engineering for two years at UND before moving to California where he worked as a chief engineer. He retired in 1970. Roy passed away in 1994 and Elnora died in January of 2006 at the age of 91.
Prior to death, the Danleys bequeathed the majority of their estate to the UND Foundation. Their $10 million gift is the second largest gift ever facilitated through the UND Foundation. Elnora and Roy cherished their North Dakota roots. They felt privileged to have received an excellent education at all levels, and carried a special fondness for the University with them throughout their lives. The Danleys were resolved to give back to the people of the state and especially UND. Their thoughtfulness and dedication has had a significant impact on the University.
While attending UND, Elnora developed a great love for the beauty of the English Coulee. She asked that a portion of the bequest be used to build and furnish a spiritual center in a serene setting near the Coulee. The Hopper-Danley Memorial Spiritual Center was built for meditation, prayer, small worship groups, and weddings. The Danleys’ legacy will also live on through the beautification of the environment near the spiritual center. This also included restoration of the 100-year-old Adelphi Fountain and construction of a memorial wall, which will honor UND students, faculty and staff.
The balance of the Danleys’ bequest was endowed in their names, and used for priority needs within the University. This led to the establishment of the Elnora Hopper Danley Faculty Fellowship in the College of Education and Human Development within the University of North Dakota Foundation in 2012.
Past Recipients
Year | Name / Area | Topic |
2024 | Joanna Ryan | "Research Accelerator: Educational Interventions for Children with Extensive Support Needs (REA:CHES)" |
2023 | Renuka de Silva (TLPP) | “Importance of STEM Teacher Education Among Native American Women in Dakota Communities” |
2022 | Joonkil Ahn (TLPP, Ed Leadership) | "Teacher Equity Mindset and Practice Influence on High School Students’ STEM Major Aspirations in North Dakota: A Multiple-Group Latent Growth Approach" |
2022 | Hyonsuk Cho (TLPP) | "Teacher Study Groups for Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students" |
2014 | Jodi Bergland Holen (T&L) | "The Teacher Inquiry Project" |
2013 | Jesse Rhoades (KPHE) | "An Examination of Physical Activity Based Learning as the Product of Complexity" |
Prior to being fully developed as a Faculty Fellowship, the Elnora Hopper Danley Endowment was invaluable in supporting faculty efforts in areas of priority for the College. The faculty listed below have all been supported through the Danley Endowment to engage in research activities as new and continuing members of the CEHD faculty:
Year | Name / Area |
2019 | Lisa Ortmann (TLPP) |
2019 | Tanis Walch (KPHE) |
2019 |
Todd Sabato (KPHE) |
2019 |
Julie Robinson (TLPP) |
2019 |
Ryan Summers (TLPP) |
2019 |
Diana D’Amico-Pawlewicz (EFR) |
2017 |
Grant Tomkinson (KPHE) |
The Dr. Clair Blikre Family Faculty Support Award provides funding to support faculty research and professional development, such as travel to present research at conferences (after annual CEHD PD funds are fully used), research publication fees, research equipment and supplies, or other research and professional development activities.
This award funds up to $1,000 per year to support an individual faculty member or collaborative effort. Applications that involve collaborations with CEHD faculty, students, and/or community partners will be prioritized.
Eligibility & Application
CEHD tenure-track and tenured faculty as well as CEHD clinical faculty with research commitment on their contract holding a continuing, full-time appointment are eligible for funding.
Rolling applications received from Aug 15 to May 1 will be considered. Recipients will be announced approximately 2 weeks after submission.
About the Donor: Dr. Clair T. Blikre
Clair T. Blikre was born November 23, 1924 in Powers Lake, North Dakota and grew up on a farm near Tioga, North Dakota. Clair served in the Air Force during World War II and enrolled at the University of North Dakota after his discharge. While at UND, he was an active student leader, football letterwinner for his position as student manager and an active member of the Alpha Tau Omega social fraternity. He received his bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from UND in 1948.
Clair began his teaching career at his old high school in Tioga. Later, he would serve as superintendent and coach in Butte, North Dakota, where his basketball team won the state championship in 1952. He continued his own education and earned his master’s degree from Northern Colorado University, Greeley in 1953. From 1953 to 1965, he served as superintendent of schools in the North Dakota communities of Alexander, Rolla and Stanley as well as the South Dakota community of Yankton.
Clair earned his doctorate in Education Administration from UND in August 1960 and served as dean of Southern State College in Springfield, South Dakota, in 1965. However, it was at the North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton where he would leave his biggest mark after becoming president in 1966. During his tenure, the two-year college experienced unprecedented enrollment increases, physical plant growth and expansion of comprehensive programs for students. In 1969 and 1970 he was awarded the American Legion’s National Outstanding Leadership and Service Award. In 1973 he was selected as Wahpeton’s Outstanding Boss of the Year and in 1978 he was named Citizen of the Year in Wahpeton. The following year the American Technical Education Association presented him the Outstanding Service Award and in 1983 presented him a lifetime membership. Clair was also president of the North Dakota Council of Colleges and University Presidents in 1969, 1975, and 1983. In 1978 the UND Alumni Association presented Clair with its highest honor, The Sioux Award, for his outstanding career accomplishments and his devotion to community service.
After retiring from NDSCS in 1987, Clair served as interim president of Western Wyoming College in Rock Springs for one year. In 1988, he worked part-time for the Otter Tail Power Company. Clair passed away on June 21, 1991, the same day the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education approved naming the NDSCS Activities Center for him.
The Dr. Clair T. Blikre Endowment was established with the University of North Dakota Foundation in loving memory by his wife LaVonne and daughter Cindy (1991 UND graduate). This endowment will continue Clair’s lifelong dedication to education and to the young people who are the future of our nation.

The Arlys Netland Family Faculty Support Award provides funding to support faculty research and professional development, such as travel to present research at conferences (after annual CEHD PD funds are fully used), research publication fees, research equipment and supplies, or other research and professional development activities.This award funds up to $1,000 per year to support an individual faculty member or collaborative effort. Applications that involve collaborations with CEHD faculty, students, and/or community partners will be prioritized.
Eligibility & Application
CEHD tenure-track and tenured faculty as well as CEHD clinical faculty with research commitment on their contract holding a continuing, full-time appointment are eligible for funding.
Rolling applications received from Aug 15 to May 1 will be considered. Recipients will be announced approximately 2 weeks after submission.
About the Donor: Aryls Netland
Aryls Netland is a native of Sharon, North Dakota. She earned her BS in Education (with a major in History) from the University of North Dakota in 1957. During her time at UND, she became a member of both the Phi Alpha Theta sorority as well as the Lutheran Student Association. She later earned her Master's degree at Northern Colorado University.
Arlys is currently retired after a lengthy career teaching physical education and then middle school history with Valley City Public Schools. She currently volunteers at the local history museum and enjoys going on river cruises.
Arlys has been a continual donor to the University of North Dakota since 1964 and is committed to seeing others succeed through education.
Faculty Professional Development
CEHD mini-grants fund faculty (individual or teams) research proposals that address important problems and barriers within education and human development; will advance knowledge, theory, methodology, and practice within the area of discovery; and will contribute to improving society. Proposals that help faculty develop or expand their programmatic lines of research and lead to external funding as strongly desired.
Award Amount
Up to $3000
Researchers can propose to use these funds for supplies, equipment, transcription services, and travel to collect data.
Application Deadlines
Oct. 15 / Mar. 15
Award Announcement
Recipients are announced approximately two weeks after the deadline.
Funding for teaching professional development can include attending a conference about developing teaching, taking a class or workshop, learning new techniques, gaining developmental materials, etc. Submissions will be prioritized that are innovative and have strong intellectual merit, such as learning a new pedagogy via training available outside of UND.
In addition to CEHD funding, the UND Senate Faculty Instructional Development Committee (FIDC) also provides funding to faculty for teaching-related professional development travel.
Award Amount
Up to $500
Application Deadlines
The annual deadlines for applications are as follows:
- Nov 1 for purchases between Aug 16-Dec 31
- Feb 1 for purchases between Jan 1-May 15
- April 1 for purchases between May 16-Aug 15
Award Announcement
Recipients are announced approximately two weeks after the deadline.
Summer research grant proposal writing funding supports faculty developing external grant submissions where the research addresses important problems and barriers within education and human development; will advance knowledge, theory, methodology, and practice within the area of discovery; and will contribute to improving society. Awardees are required to complete a full draft of a grant proposal narrative and preliminary budget by July 31 of that summer, and apply for a substantial external research grant to support their proposed research that includes a budget that allows for full indirect costs by June 30 of the next year.
Award Amount
Up to $5000
Application Deadline
Mar. 15
Award Announcement
Apr. 15
Funding opportunities are available for faculty seeking to establish and/or formalize a research group that consists of faculty and CEHD graduate students collaborating on a long-term, sustainable program of research. Goals for the group must include student mentorship, regular meetings, producing research deliverables, and establishing a website.
Award Amount
Up to $1000
Application Deadline
Rolling applications accepted from August 15 to May 1
Award Announcement
Approximately 2 weeks after submission
The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) Faculty Success Program is a 12-week opportunity that pairs faculty with a tenured faculty coach, access to master coaching sessions, weekly training, and a supportive community to increase their research/creative activity productivity.
CEHD is a member of the NCFDD and regularly provides support for selected faculty to take part in this program. Interested faculty should contact the ADRFD directly.
Graduate Students

CEHD graduate students can benefit from a number of financial and other supports within the college, including tuition waivers, conference travel and PhD dissertation funding, research poster printing and more.
The purpose of CEHD graduate tuition waivers is to:
- recruit high-quality graduate students to CEHD programs, particularly the on-campus PhD;
- train and retain high-quality graduate students by supporting immersive student research experiences on campus; and
- incentivize high-quality graduate students to be on campus to serve as graduate assistants (GRA, GTA, GSA), such as for CEHD faculty research grants.
CEHD PhD students in good standing with their program and with the School of Graduate Studies are eligible for waivers. CEHD EdD and Master’s students in good standing may be considered if they are serving as graduate assistants.
Full tuition waivers will be granted for the semesters in which PhD students are in residence for their studies and request waivers by the priority deadline. For CEHD graduate students who do not meet guaranteed award criteria, contingent tuition waivers may be awarded as the CEHD budget allows. Students receiving waivers must meet the criteria for the tuition waivers for the full semester they were awarded (e.g., be in residence for the full semester), and present a first-authored research project at the UND GRAD conference and CEHD Research Conference in person during the academic year of the tuition waiver award.
Current and new graduate students will be directly emailed a link to apply between February 1 and April 15 for guaranteed waivers for the following academic year. Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria or did not apply in the guaranteed waiver time frame can apply for contingent waivers.
Questions about tuition waivers can be directed to the ADRFD. See the full CEHD Tuition Waiver policy for full details and frequently asked questions.
Graduate assistantships provide graduate students the experience of conducting research under the supervision of a faculty member (GRA), teaching courses (GTA), or providing service to the university (GSA). Because the number of GA positions available is based on current active grants and college funding, teaching openings, and service opportunities, assistantships are not guaranteed based solely on enrollment in a UND graduate program. However, historically CEHD has been able to match a large number of students to GA positions annually. In-residence CEHD PhD students are typically prioritized to receive graduate assistantships, followed by PhD students who do not attend in person, then EdD students, and finally masters students.
Currently enrolled or newly admitted graduate students seeking GA positions will be emailed a link to apply between February 1 and April 15 for priority graduate assistantships in the following academic year. Students who do not complete the application in that time frame can complete the contingent GA application. There is a place on the application to upload a current copy of a CV or resume.
For more information on assistantships, contact the CEHD ADRFD
CEHD graduate students who are presenting research at conferences are eligible to apply for funding to cover travel costs. The student must be presenting the research (non-presenting coauthors not eligible). CEHD PhD students who are conducting empirical research are eligible to apply for funding to cover the cost of data collection. Students are only eligible for one round of funding per academic year, and students funded for conference travel will not also be funded for dissertation data collection.
In addition to CEHD funding, both the UND Office of Research and Economic Development and the UND School of Graduate Studies offer funding for graduate students to travel to conferences and meetings to present their research.
Application Deadlines*
- Nov. 1 for travel occurring Aug. 16 - Dec. 31
- Feb. 1 for travel occurring Jan. 1 - May 15
- Apr. 1 for travel occurring May. 16 - Aug. 15
Recipients will be announced two weeks after each deadline.
* The committee will consider expediting applications if there is a need; however, such requests must be submitted at least three weeks before the dates of travel.
CEHD graduate students who are presenting a research poster at a conference are eligible to apply for funding to cover the cost of printing at the UND Print Center. This includes printing for the UND GRAD conference and CEHD Research Fair. The student must be presenting the research (non-presenting coauthors not eligible) and are only eligible for a poster to be printed once for a particular project.
Please complete the CEHD Graduate Research Poster Printing Request Form to apply for funding.
Office space in CEHD buildings is typically assigned to graduate students serving as a graduate assistant (GTA, GRA, GSA) when available. It is unlikely for office space to be assigned to students who are not CEHD GAs. Questions about office space for GRAs can be directed to the ADRFD.
The intent of this award is to recognize significant achievements in research impact from CEHD graduate students. For the purpose of this award, research impact is defined as contributions both within and outside academia — the demonstrable contribution that research makes to the economy, society, culture, national security, public policy or services, health, the environment, or quality of life.
Award includes a cash prize of $500 (which is considered taxable income).
Past Recipients
Year | Name |
2024 | Andrea Doyon |
2023 | Terrel Taylor |
Excellence Awards
Nominated by Peers, Recognized by Leadership

Each year outstanding contributions by faculty and staff are recognized with the CEHD Excellence Awards. In mid-spring, CEHD faculty and staff are invited to participate in an online nomination survey that lists all of those eligible for each award. Faculty will vote on all awards, while staff will vote on service and staff awards. Department chairs recognize three finalists for each award, who are asked to prepare materials for the Research and Faculty Development committee selection of winners.
Awards are announced in late spring, at the year-end CEHD meeting or CEHD Research Fair. Winners receive a $500 cash award (added to paycheck, taxes withheld). Once awarded, recipients are not eligible to win again for five years.
The intent of this award is to encourage, recognize, and reward excellence in undergraduate teaching performance over an extended period of time. Such teaching includes the implementation of high impact practices (e.g., creative applied or experiential learning) as well as incites intellectual curiosity in students, engages them thoroughly in the process of learning, and has an impact beyond the classroom.
Year | Name |
2024 | Tanis Walch |
2023 | Sonja Brandt |
2021 | Todd Sabato |
The intent of this award is to encourage, recognize, and reward excellence in graduate teaching and advising over an extended period of time. This award will honor faculty who have made a lasting impression on their graduate students by cultivating intellectual curiosity, making connections between classroom learning and real-world applications, and providing professional development opportunities.
Year | Name |
2024 | Cerynn Desjarlais |
2023 | John Fitzgerald |
2022 | Zarrina Azizova |
2021 | Michelle Griffin |
The intent of this award is to recognize significant achievements in research impact from early-career faculty within CEHD. For the purpose of this award, impact is defined as contributions within and outside academia; the “demonstrable contribution that research makes to the economy, society, culture, national security, public policy or services, health, the environment, or quality of life.” All tenured/tenure track faculty members with no more than 10 years since confirmation of doctorate are eligible.
Year | Name |
2024 | Ethan Dahl |
2023 | Ryan Summers |
2021 | Virginia Clinton-Lisell |
2020 | Diana D'Amico Pawlewicz |
The intent of this award is to recognize an outstanding research or scholarly achievement. The honor will distinguish an CEHD faculty member, instructor, or researcher who has made an outstanding contribution to their field by publishing a high quality article, book, or other research artifact, written as first or senior author, accepted or published in a respected journal or outlet within the past five years. In essence, this award recognizes the “best scholarly product” by a CEHD researcher in the past five years.
Year | Name | Scholarly Work |
2024 | Emily Midkiff | Midkiff, E. (2022). Equipping Space Cadets: Primary Science Fiction for Young Children. Univ. Press of Mississippi. |
2023 | Christopher Clark | Clark, C. H., Schmeichel, M., & Garrett, H. J. (2020). Social studies teacher perceptions of news source credibility. Educational Researcher, 49(4), 262-272. |
2021 | Ryan Summers | Summers, R., Alameh, S., Brunner, J., Maddux, J. M., Wallon, R. C., & Abd‐El‐Khalick, F. (2019). Representations of nature of science in US science standards: A historical account with contemporary implications. Journal of research in science teaching, 56(9), 1234-1268. |
2020 | Virginia Clinton-Lisell | Clinton, V. (2019). Reading from paper compared to screens: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Research in Reading. doi: 10.1111/1467-9817.12269 |
This award honors a faculty member who draws on his or her professional expertise to serve the university, the profession, and/or the broader community. The Excellence in Service Award is given to an individual whom:
- demonstrates excellence in academic citizenship, professional/disciplinary service, and/or service to the community
- manifests exceptional imagination and dedication for improving the university or for meeting the needs of external constituents on its behalf
- consistently demonstrates meaningful impact over three years
Year | Name |
2024 | Naomi McGaughey |
2023 | Bonni Gourneau |
2022 | Carol Johnson |
2021 | Kristen Votava |
This award honors a staff member who provides exceptional service to the college and university. The selected individual will have demonstrated outstanding performance, teamwork, leadership and exceptional service over time.
Year | Name |
2024 | Helen Elden |
2023 | Jenny Bladow |